
I am to old to go greek.

It was Friday, beer day.

Being old and in college has some issues (I am in my late thirties). Sometimes a good beer drinking crowd is hard to find.

I called everyone who I normally drink with, no takers. Not afraid to drink alone I sit at the end of the bar, destroying $1 drafts of Miller High Life (the champagne of beers.)

I end up striking a conversation with the guy across the bar. He is 25 years old and a veteran of 2 tours of combat in Iraq. We do glorious drinking. Then he hits me with an odd proposal.

"Dirty Ert, I am the president of a local fraternity. I want you to come by and join us. Hell, you won't even be the oldest guy there. Our sergeant at arms is 43."

He spent half an hour talking me into his little group.

I came home and sobered up. The next morning I decided me, married with two kids, a mortgage and one kid in college...joining a fraternity is a horrible idea.

I've never let the fact that an idea is bad, prevent me from doing it anyhow.

What am I getting myself into?

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