I have some nerd-ass friends. They seem to spend a lot of time discussing computer games. One day they asked me "What kind of games do you play Ert?"
- "Low Coolant"
- Tales of an automotive warning light that refuses to extinguish in the wife's car
- "Beaver Quest"
- Includes the short film, "Hot assed young bitches at the gym in tighter than hell work out pants." Yes this is a film for the married man, as the "interactive" segment of "Beaver Quest" is restricted - to the same beaver every time you play.
- "Hunt for the blue handled hacksaw"
- Lost in action, soothsayers unable to divine, can you find the hacksaw before the angry husband whips some ass?
- "God Damned neighbor's cats"
- Use your skills to stop a feline turd invasion on your personal property
- "The garbage only runs on Tuesday morning"
- A classic brain twister and game of memory
- "Burn permit, we don't need no stinking burn permit"
- Burn all the leaves and brambles before being caught by the fire chief
- "Supervise your children and their friends doing anything that remotely resembles outdoor work"
- A test of patience and possibly a complete waste of time
- "Alignment"
- Imagine you are a hillbilly redneck, you drive a truck with "THE LONG WHEELBASE" You muster your skills to find a repair shop with an alignment rack long enough for your truck. Unfortunately there are only 3 such shops in town. Two of which you "no longer trade with" due to "police instructions." No official restraining order has been issued, but the nice officer did not arrest you when you threatened to beat the service manager like "an angry monkey fucking his sister" The one shop in which "the law" has not gotten involved will only see you on Tuesdays between 10:00am and 10:30am. Hurry! Before the tires prematurely wear and you spend a week's paycheck on a new set of tires.
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